- Robot-coupe, manufacturer of food preparation equipment, offers a wide range of machines adapted to each professional needs (restaurants, institutions, delicatessens, caterers...). Robot Coupe MP550 ulta turbo soup gun provides the perfect solution for food preperation in any busy kitchen environment. PURPOSE OF USE Robot Coupe MP 550 soup Gun is a essential tool for professional kitchens. Stick blenders are suitable for pureeing vegetables, potatoes, soups, etc. or preparing creams (onion, pepper, tomato, confectioner´s, etc.) and all sorts of sauces. Beater arm for whipping cream or preparing meringue, chantilly, mayonnaise and Genoese sauce, omelettes, pancake batter, soufflés, etc.
- PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Removable Foot & Blade All S/S Knife, Bell & Tube
- Self Regulating Speed System 1 Speed: 9000 RPM
- Stainless Steel Wall Support Arm Length: 1.13M (44.5")